Opened during thE Fellowship tasting event, 12/10, Indie Crafted Beijing.
Pours pink Reddish, Small head
Lots of Red berries, earthy, mineral, light lemon. Jammy, berries, cranberries, tad sweet, balanced sour. Astringent tannines are ok, medium level. Complex mouthfeel. Outstanding
马小驰 2019-11-11 15:40
KUMA君X 2019-11-02 15:17
香味:臭腐乳 酵母臭 蓝莓 烂橘子 湿木
颜色和泡沫:微浑浊棕红色 泡沫不持久
口感:入口酒体中偏轻 酸味比较圆润 能感知到一些树莓和蓝莓的酸甜味 但比较短促 之后就是单宁和酵母味为主 浆果味的留存也比较差 末端残留一些甜味之外 其余都是涩感和腐味 收口有一些黏腻和辛辣 酵母 轻微浆果 单宁味留口
感受:闻起来非常不友好 喝起来也差口气
Koen啤酒极客在比利时 2019-10-24 17:45
Opened during thE Fellowship tasting event, 12/10, Indie Crafted Beijing.
Pours pink Reddish, Small head
Lots of Red berries, earthy, mineral, light lemon. Jammy, berries, cranberries, tad sweet, balanced sour. Astringent tannines are ok, medium level. Complex mouthfeel. Outstanding