  • 25万


    We organized 18 craft beer review competitions from Jan to April 2016, total participant over 250K which received mass popularity among beer fans.

  • 59800


    Our database has detailed information for over 21300 craft beers and it grows at an daily average 30 incremental rate, total organic comment number has surpassed 220K.

  • 800

    We successfully held Shanghai International Craft Beer Competition on May 26, 2016 with 800 applying beers and 33 professional judges. This is the largest craft beer competition in China so far.

  • 5万


    The brand new social methods of our Jiuhuar APP – Craft Beer Circle won over 50K user visits in just a week since its open launch.


上海精酿信息科技有限公司是一家致力于推广与发展精酿啤酒文化的互联网公司,由专业的互联网技术人员,职业酿酒师 ,国际认证 啤酒评审,运营和客服人员组成,覆盖中国精酿啤酒产业链的各个环节!

Shanghai Craft Beer Infotech Co., Ltd is an internet group whose mission is to promote and develop craft beer culture in China, professional internet technician, brew masters, internationally certificated beer judges and operational teams comprised our employee base who have covered almost every nodes in the industrial chain.

当啤酒渐渐成为都市文化,越来越多的人已经把其当作生活中不可或缺的一部分,他们开始研究啤酒的工艺技术,对啤酒质量的要求 也与日俱增。精酿啤酒有别于市面上的工业化啤酒,其个性更为鲜明。以工匠精神制作口感、风格各异的啤酒,为消费者提供辨识度 极高的风味,以满足不同口味和个性消费者的需求显得尤为迫切。但由于精酿啤酒的品牌和分类复杂,远不止普通大众消费者所熟悉的 “黄啤,黑啤,白啤”那么简单,除颜色外,精酿啤酒的分类还会涉及酿造工艺、历史、地域、特殊原料,甚至酿酒师的跨界与创新 (通常全球市场上流通的有上万种)。消费者需要有专业工具或精酿专家帮助他们进行选择,为此我们特地研发了一款精酿啤酒点评类 App——“酒花儿(Jiuhuar)”。

More and more people in China started to regard the metropolitan craft beer culture as an indispensable part of their lives. With a growing familiarity of the craft beer process engineering, their demand of a higher quality beer is growing even faster. With the true craftsmanship and a delicately diverse flavor, craft beer differs from the mass production industrial beer in its highly recognized characteristics that satisfied the needs for people from all walks. However, due to the sophistication of the craft beer varieties which manifested in the color, flavor, history, geography and special ingredients, consumers have true requirements of a powerful tool for them to facilitate the selection. Therefore, we developed the first beer rating application in Chinese language – Jiuhuar.

酒花儿App于2016年4月16日正式上线,它以精酿啤酒点评和社交为起点,提供有关于精酿啤酒的一切信息。它不仅包含了数以万计 的啤酒资料与用户点评,更能让你方便快捷地找到身边的精酿酒吧,扫码识别全新的酒款,定制个性化的酒单,并且学习到最新最全 的精酿啤酒知识。

Jiuhuar App was launched on Apr 16, 2016, it provides a huge database about everything you want to know about the craft beers. With detailed information for over 8500 beers and 2000 bars, the application collected more than 200K organic user comments. Not only it allows you to search and locate great beer and nearby bars, you may use it to scan the brand new beer barcode, make customized menus and learn the latest beer knowledge as well.

自2016年1月10日起,公司为推广精酿啤酒,开始在微信公众号(酒花儿公社)以周为单位开展精酿啤酒点评活动,迄今为止共举办 18期,逾十万人参与活动,引发了精酿啤酒行业的普遍关注。从原材料、设备供应商到品牌、进口商、批发市场、酒吧、瓶子店等精酿 产业相关企业纷纷向酒花儿提出合作意向,香港、台湾、新加坡精酿爱好者也都积极参与。2016年4月27日,限量测评活动在公众号 上线,作为进口商、品牌商和用户之间沟通的桥梁,迄今为止共开展了15期,评测结果回收率高,用户点评质量高,进口商反馈良好。

Since Jan 10, 2016, our company organized weekly craft beer review competition on the Wechat platform for a successive 18 times. Over 100K users participated the event and it gained a broad attention in the industry. Relevant partners in Great China region from raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers to brand owners, importers, distributors, bars and bottle shops put forward collaboration proposals to our company. Therefore, we launched our limited quantity beer rating campaigns on Wechat since April 27, 2016. It plays a bridging role among importers, brand owners and customers and the campaign won a very high questionnaire feedback rate with quality user reviews. Totally 30 campaigns fulfilled till now.

2016年5月26至27日,酒花儿成功举办了“国际精酿大赛”和“精酿啤酒节·上海”。本次精酿大赛为国内首个获得国际认证的比赛, 而长达36米的啤酒墙更是作为亚洲最长的啤酒墙引发媒体热议。这是一场获得上海乃至全国市民广泛好评的精酿盛会!

From May 26-27, 2016, our company held the “Shanghai international craft beer competition” and “Yes! Brew” beer festival. The competition is the first global certificated game in China and the 36 meters long tap wall for our beer festival even set up a new record in Asia. This event proved to be a well-received carnival in China!


Our goal is to make a better sip for all of you!

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